Prototyp Unnaryd Modell på vatten

Knowledge Making Difference

Our way of work to reach our vision is to always live as our promise: Knowledge Making Difference. For us that means that we dare to challenge ourselves and always strive to learn more. We share knowledge and experiences with our customers and commit to help each other, our customer, and the environment. A humble attitude helps us and we solve our challenges together. We are aware of the latest technology and are curious to test it to improve our processes, our quality, or reduce our environmental footprint.

Business concept

Unnaryd Modell is a development partner with high technical knowledge and know-how. We are a complete supplier, a one-stop shop, for prototypes and special production parts. Our focus is towards demanding applications in a variety of segments with an emphasis on automotive.

Vision – Europe’s leading prototype manufacturer

Our long-term goal isa to be Europe’s leading prototype manufacturer. What does that mean for us?

  • We are one of the companies that are consulted, and we get the most important and challenging jobs, also internationally
  • We can manufacture and validate parts in varying quantity and complexity
  • We are a development partner to our customers and provide knowledge and know-how on manufacturing, on product features and properties, as well as on validation
  • We have a long-term sustainability in our process chain as well as in our businesses

Business areas

Person som sågar av metall

Prototypes in aluminium & iron

Medarbetare tittar in i CNC-maskin

Special production

Quality & Environment

Medarbetare Unnaryd Modell inspekterar modell

Quality & validation

Drönarbild över Unnaryd

Environment & sustainability

T-shirt Unnaryd Modell promenerar i skogen

